Minggu, 22 Februari 2015 Packet Tracer - Representing the Network Instructions

Part 1: Overview of the Packet Tracer Program

Step 1: Access the Packet Tracer Help pages, tutorial videos, and online resources
c. Find the “Configuring Devices Using the Desktop Tab” tutorial. Watch the first part to answer the following question: What information can you configure in the IP Configuration window?
Disitu saya dapat mensetting ip address (dengan cara statik atau dhcp), subnet mask, gateway dan DNS server.

Step 2: Toggle between Realtime and Simulation modes. 

f. In the network topology on the left, click one of the envelopes on an intermediate device and investigate what is inside. Over the course of your CCNA studies, you will learn the meaning of most everything inside these envelopes. For now, see if you can answer the following questions:
- Under the OSI Model tab, how many In Layers and Out Layers have information?

Ada 3 in layer yang mendapatkan informasi dan out layer tidak ada mendapat kan informasi
- Under the Inbound PDU Details and Outbound PDU Details tabs, what are the headings of the major sections?
ICMP, Ethernet II and IP

- Click back and forth between the Inbound PDU Details and Outbound PDU Details tabs. Do you see information changing? If so, what?
Saya tidak melihat informasi berubah karena semua paket hanya masuk. Tidak ada rincian paket yang keluar jalur PDU.

Part 2: Exploring LANs, WANs, and Internets
Step 1: Identify common components of a network as represented in Packet Tracer.

b. List the intermediate device categories.
switches,modem,hubs,routers,servers,wireless access points, and security devices (seperti firewalls).
c. Without entering into the Internet cloud or Intranet cloud, how many icons in the topology represent endpoint devices (only one connection leading to them)?
15 end devices 
d. Without counting the two clouds, how many icons in the topology represent intermediate devices (multiple connections leading to them)?
13 perangkat perantara
e. How many intermediate devices are routers? Note: The Linksys device is a router. ada 3 perangkat perantara adalah router

f. How many end devices are not desktop computers?ada 7 end devices bukan komputer desktop

g. How many different types of media connections are used in this network topology?
4 jenis media koneksi yang digunakan dalam topologi jaringan

h. Why isn’t there a connection icon for wireless in the Connections category? Tidak ada ikon koneksi wireless untuk dalam kategori koneksi karena perangkat wireless secara otomatis akan terhubung.
 Step 2: Explain the purpose of the devices.

a. In Packet Tracer, the Server-PT device can act as a server. The desktop and laptop PCs cannot act as a server. Is that true in the real world?Based on your studies so far, explain the client-server model.
Itu tidak benar, Sebuah komputer desktop dapat menjadi server, tetapi harus memiliki software khusus diinstal di atasnya untuk menjadi server. 
b. List at least two functions of intermediary devices.
Sebagai penguhubung anatara jaringan satu dengan jaringan yang lain dan sebagai mengatur jalur paket data

c. List at least two criteria for choosing a network media type.
jenis jaringan dan biaya

Step 3: Compare and contrast LANs and WANs.
a. Explain the difference between a LAN and a WAN. Give examples of each.
LAN adalah jaringan komputer yang jaringannya hanya mencakup wilayah kecil; contoh jaringan komputer kampus, gedung, kantor, dalam rumah, sekolah atau yang lebih kecil.
WAN adalah merupakan jaringan komputer yang mencakup area yang besar sebagai contoh yaitu jaringan komputer antar wilayah, kota atau bahkan negara, atau dapat didefinisikan juga sebagai jaringan komputer yang membutuhkan router dan saluran komunikasi publik.

b. In the Packet Tracer network, how many WANs do you see?
ada 4 jaringan WAN

c. How many LANs do you see?
ada 3 jaringan LAN

d. The Internet in this Packet Tracer network is overly simplified and does not represent the structure and form of the real Internet. Briefly describe the Internet.
internet adalah sistem global dari seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung dan terdiri dari milyaran komputer yang ada di seluruh dunia dengan melibatkan berbagai jenis komputer serta topology jaringan yang berbeda

e. What are some of the common ways a home user connects to the Internet? Biasanya menggunakan telepon rumah dengan berlangganan ISP atau menggunakan modem usb
f. What are some common methods that businesses use to connect to the Internet in your area?  Yang umum nya dengan cara berlangganan isp

 · Add an end device to the topology and connect it to one of the LANs with a media connection. What else does this device need to send data to other end users? Can you provide the information? Is there a way to verify that you correctly connected the device?
· Add a new intermediary device to one of the networks and connect it to one of the LANs or WANs with a media connection. What else does this device need to serve as an intermediary to other devices in the network?
· Open a new instance of Packet Tracer. Create a new network with at least two LANs connected by a WAN. Connect all the devices. Investigate the original Packet Tracer activity to see what else you might need to do to make your new network functional. Record your thoughts and save your Packet Tracer file. You may want to revisit your network later after you have mastered a few more skills.

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